More from: Climate Crisis

Climate change forces the capelin further north and beyond the foraging range of kittiwakes colonies on the coast of northern Norway.
December 18, 2017
Nornickel plans significant reduction of smelting operations in Nikel to achieve a target of 50% reduction in sulfur dioxide pollution on the Kola Peninsula.
December 15, 2017
Donor countries agree to fund an additional study on how to extract the damaged spent nuclear fuel from Tank 3A.
December 08, 2017
Officials from five Arctic countries and five major distant fishing powers reached an “unprecedented” agreement Thursday on a legally binding international accord that will protect nearly three million square kilometres of the Central Arctic Ocean from unregulated fishing.
December 01, 2017
Visiting Vardø near Norway’s maritime border to Russia, the ministers will learn about Arctic sea traffic safety management.
November 24, 2017
There is an oil spill 500 meters from my house, right in the village, says deputy chairman of environmental group Save Pechora
November 17, 2017
To drill or not to drill, that's the question for Oslo District Court as two environmental groups claim Norway’s government violates its constitutional obligation to protect the environment when it opened for more Barents Sea oil drilling.
November 14, 2017
Bellona teams up with regional authorities to see how and where charger should come between Murmansk and the border to Norway.
November 13, 2017
Environmentalists fear that shipping in the Pechora Sea poses a serious threat to one of the biggest populations of walrus.
October 30, 2017
Ocean acidification combined with warming of the world oceans and loss of oxygen is having a severe impact on key Arctic marine species such as polar cod in the Barents Sea, according to a new study conducted by German scientists.
October 26, 2017
The Barents Sea is still a highly productive and profitable fishery area.
October 13, 2017
The international campaign to end the use of heavy fuel oil (HFO) by ships plying the waters of the increasingly accessible Arctic is gathering steam ahead of an important meeting of the world maritime body next year.
October 12, 2017
An environmental crime trial about mining company Talvivaara’s past operations began at the Rovaniemi appeals court on Monday.
October 12, 2017
Inuit in Canada and Greenland are calling on Ottawa and Copenhagen to demand the postponement of a Russian rocket launch scheduled to deliver a European Space Agency satellite to orbit next week and look for alternative launch vehicles that use non-toxic propellants for any future launches.
October 09, 2017
Emissions from the huge plant are being slashed and the border town becoming cleaner, representatives of Nornickel told locals during the Days of Cross-Border Cooperation.
October 09, 2017
Norwegian and Russian fishermen have reason to hope for good catch as the small fish is found in abundance after years of extreme low.
October 04, 2017
«The project will halve the emissions of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere,» the company says.
October 04, 2017
Changes in the Arctic caused by climate changes are extremely serious, both ecologically and spiritually, the Council of Christian Churches in the Barents Region writes in a call to Timo Soini, Chairman of the Arctic Council.
October 03, 2017
Old-growth forests are hard to find in Finland, the home of a historically dominant paper and pulp industry with an inexhaustible appetite for timber.
October 02, 2017
A local conservation association in the municipality of Inari, Finland, wants to restrict the construction of cabins on the shores of Lake Inari, and proposes that the great lake and its surroundings is made a national park.
September 25, 2017
The country Prosecutor’s Office opens a special Arctic unit and warns companies that it will crack down on polluters in the region.
September 19, 2017
Recent air samples taken in Iceland suggest cruise ships arriving and departing from Reykjavik are negatively affecting air quality, according to environmental groups.
September 07, 2017
Gold prospectors and local people have very different views about the extent of muddiness and its impact on nature.
August 29, 2017
Norwegian and Russian researchers launch the most comprehensive ecosystem mapping of the two countries’ joint Arctic waters.
August 23, 2017
Six activists, including the captain of «Arctic Sunrise», have been fined for violating the safety zone around the Norwegian oil-rig in the Barents Sea.
August 21, 2017
