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- The exit of Russian ore from the European market spurs a growing demand for companies such as Sydvaranger, GRANGEX leader Christer Lindquist argues. Photo: Elizaveta Vereykina
- Sydvaranger workers and journalists gathered while the company leader talked about the acquisition of the Sydvaranger iron ore mine. Photo: Elizaveta Vereykina
- The Sydvaranger mine became the local cornerstone industry when it opened in 1908. It remained so until the company bankrupted in 1997. Australian developer Northern Iron reopened the mine in 2009, but it was again closed in 2015. Photo: Elizaveta Vereykina
- The logo of the Sydvaranger mine
- “We would not have been here today without Felix Tschudi,” GRANGEX leader Lindquist says about the former owner of the Sydvaranger Mine. Photo: Elizaveta Vereykina
- “Russian ore must be replaced in Europe,” Lindquist says. “There is a deficit in the market, and we must increase our level of self-sufficiency,” he adds.
- A full-scale relaunch of mining at Sydvaranger is believed to require up to 450 jobs. There is hardly any unemployment in the municipality and the recruitment of the many new people will not be easy, Chief Operating Officer Thomas Bækø admits. Photo: Elizaveta Vereykina
- Sydvaranger employee at the gates leading to the main building. Photo: Elizaveta Vereykina
- “The way I see it, the biggest challenge is not technical issues - the mine and processing plant are in good shape - but rather issues of competence and people,” Chief Operating Officer Thomas Bækø says to the Barents Observer.
“The product is world-class and we have all preconditions for success,” the company leader underlined as he today announced the acquisition of the Sydvaranger iron ore mine. Photos: Elizaveta Vereykina
- Photo: Sevmash
- Photo: Sevmash
- Photo: Sevmash
- Photo: Sevmash
- Photo: Sevmash
- Photo: Sevmash
- Photo: Sevmash
- Photo: Sevmash
- Photo: Sevmash
- Photo: Sevmash
- Photo: Sevmash
- Ukrainian soldiers presented as paramilitary militia. Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- Youth Army representatives on Apatity on their way to the Ivan Gren. Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- "Victory for the ones that have God in their souls, love in their hearts, and truth on their lips," reads the banner. Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- "Ukraine is a shooting range for NATO." Propaganda poster. Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- War trophy: Armoured vehicle International M1224 MaxxPro MRAP on display. Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- "We do not need this kind of West." Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- Youth Army kids on exhibition tour see OSCE "trophy" flag. Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- "We are committed to protect the truth about the war. If not, what should we tell our children, if lies, like a disease, will spread across the whole world." Quote by Vladimir Putin. Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- Leader of Yunarmiya in Murmansk, Almaz Biktimerov (left). Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- "Thanks to the Russian soldier." Propaganda poster. Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- "War, until the last Ukrainian soldier." Propaganda poster. Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- Propaganda art. Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- "Nazism does not go away." Propaganda poster. Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- "Victory for the ones that have God in their souls, love in their hearts, and truth on their lips." Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- OSCE flag among Polish and Ukrainian army badges. Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- Ukrainian books on display, all described as "Nazi propaganda." Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
- Ukrainian books and leaflets on display, all described as "Nazi propaganda." Photo: yunarmy51 on VK
Quest for freedom and love. Norwegians and Russians gather in border town Kirkenes for Barents Pride.
- Leonid Belyakov served as a driver for the 200th Motorised Rifle Brigade. He came from the town of Nikel.
- Maksim Salnikov came from the town of Nikel. He served in the Wagner Group and was killed in the battle over Bakhmut in April 2023.
- Nikolai Ulyanov came from Zapolyarny. He served for the Wagner Group and was killed in May 2023
- Artur Rarykin came from Nikel. He served as sailor in the Northern Fleet and was killed in May 2023.
- Vladimir Ivanov came from Nikel. He was killed in spring 2023
- Andrei Baranov came from Nikel and served as junior sergeant. He was killed in spring 2023.
- Andrei Prokhorov came from Zapolyarny and used to work as driver for the Nornickel mining company. He was killed in early April 2023.
- Nikita Sidyakin came from Zapolyarny. He was killed in April 2022.
- Andrei Ukhov came from Nikel. He was killed in June 2023.
- Dinar Khametov used to live in Zapolyarny. He was a highly decorated officer in the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade and was killed in November 2022.
- Mikhail Kosarev came from Zapolyarny.
- Andrei Kolesnikov came from Zapolyarny. He served for the Wagner Group and was killed in November 2022.
- Aleksandr Gaukhman came from Zapolyarny. He served for the Wagner Group and was killed in March 2023.
- Andrei Chistyakov came from Zapolyarny. He was killed in March 2023.
- Sergei Korneev came from Nikel. He was killed in March 2023.
- Mikael Aliev (left) used to live in Zapolyarny where he worked as miner for Nornickel. He was killed in June 2023
- Aleksandr Martynov (right) came from Zapolyarny and used to work in the local nickel mines. He was killed in early summer 2023.
- Photo: Trust Arktikugol via Telegram
- Photo: Trust Arktikugol via Telegram
- Photo: Trust Arktikugol via Telegram
- Photo: Trust Arktikugol via Telegram
- Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet
- Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet
- Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet
- Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet
- Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet
- Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet
- Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet
- Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet
- Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet
- Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet
- Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet
- Photo: Press Service of the Northern Fleet
- Aslak (19) and Iver (21) are packing up warm clothes in the room before leaving for patrol out in the freezing cold wilderness along the Norwegian-Russian border. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- The Norwegian soldiers are armed when on patrol along the border to Russia. There are two border stations where the soldiers live when on duty. Here, the Pasvik border station, responsible for the southern sector of the 200 km long border. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- Packing up the gear for the patrol along the Norwegian-Russian border. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- Head of the unit of border guards in Pasvik, Lars Erik Gausen, keeps an eye on possible movements close to the border line on both sides of the frozen river. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- The border soldiers use snowmobiles in winter and patrol boats on the river during summer. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- There are no fences or other physical barriers on the Norwegian side of the border. Russian border guards, however, have built a several meters high barbed wired fence all long its border with Norway and Finland. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- "The border runs in the River," the signs says. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- The temperature in Pasvik dropped to minus 25 degrees Celsius as Army conscripts Aslak and Iver made patrol along the border. Norway's side of the border is marked with yellow and black border poles. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- Watching Russia: On a normal day there is little but taiga forest to see on the other side of the border along the Pasvik River. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- While no civilians are allowed to enter anywhere near the border on the Russian side, Norwegians can freely move along the riverbanks and even fish in the river. Private houses and cabins are all along the Pasvik River. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- On the Russian side, civilians are not allowed to move anywhere in the border area without special permission. A barbed-wire fence stretches all way from the coast to the Barents Sea in the north and 1,540 km all way to the Bay of Finland in the south. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- The Russian checkpoint at Borisoglebsk is the only legal way to exit Russia along its border with Norway. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- The Norwegian-Russian border is 198 km from Finland in the south to the Barents Sea in the north. In the Pasvik valley, the borderline follows the river. Photo: Thomas Nilsen
- Colonel Denis Kurilo was head commander of the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade in Pechenga, Murmansk Oblast. He was killed outside Kharkiv in the early phase of the Russian onslaught. Photo:
- Aleksandr Maskiev came from village of Ust-Kulem. Served on contract for the 200th Motorized Infantry Brigade in Murmansk. Commander of armored vehicle. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Senior Lieutenant Sergei Stakhov came from the village of Sindor in Knyazhpogostsky area in Komi Republic. Served on contract as assistant head of a communications unit. The funeral was held in Pskov where his family lives. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Andrei Buinitsky was born in Syktyvkar. Served on contract for one of the brigades in Pechenga, Murmansk Oblast. Machine gun operator in motorized infantry unit. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Nikitin Vavilin came from the village of Letha in Priluzsky area, Komi Republic. He served in unit in Murmansk region. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Aleksandr Kokovkin came from Syktyvkar. He served in unit in Murmansk region. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Danil Volkov came from the town of Inta. He served as mechanic and provided medical aid. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Anton Vakhtunov came from the village of Berezevska in Pechorsky area in Komi. Served on contract in infantry assault unit. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Yevgeny Tsymbal was born in Ukhta. Underwent military service in Pechora. Served on contract as senior inspector in military vehicle inspection of a infantry assault brigade. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Mikhail Rebenok was born in Syktyvkar. Underwent service in special unit since 2016. In 2017 served in North Caucasus region. He was part of the Zyryanin, a unit under the National Guard, Rosgvardia. Died in the central city hospital in Kupyansk. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Maksim Yelfimov was born in the village of Ust-Kulom in Komi. He served as lieutenant. Graduated in the Ryazan higher airborne command school. Served on contract in Pskov as deputy commander of an assault unit. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Aleksandr Vlasenkov was born in village of Vizinga in Sysolsky area, Komi Republic. He operated as sniper and intelligence officer. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Ruslan Taymamatov was born in the town of Kyzyl-Kiya in Kyrgyz Republic. Before entering military service he lived in Vorkuta, Komi Republic. Served as gunner in the missile forces. Funerals took place in Kyrgyzstan. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Игорь Сергеевич Лесников родом из Ухты. Служил по контракту старшим механиком-водителем-санитаром отделения сбора и эвакуации раненых медицинского взвода мотострелкового батальона. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Viktor Pystin was born in the village of Mylva in Troitsko-Pechorsky region. Served on contract in Pskov as driver in vehicle unit in assault battalion. Was seriously injured and died in the hospital of Krasnogorsk near Moscow. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Yuri Zezegov was born in the village of Ust-Kulom. Served on contract as machine gun operator in infantry unit. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Reservist sergeant Igor Kraft was born in the village of Karabulaak in Kazakhstan. Lived and worked in Usinsk, Komi Republic. Enrolled as volunteer. Was seriously injured and died in main military hospital of Burdenko. His funeral was held in Pechora, Komi. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Ivan Vinogradov was born in the village of Nivshera ini the Kortkerossky area in Komi. Her served in an amphibious assault unit. Was killed in Kharkiv region. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Ivan Pozdeev was born in the village of Ust-Tsilma. He studied at the Margelov higher school of air assault in Ryazan. He served in Ulyanovsk in the 31st amphibious assault brigade. He is buried in Pskov. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Aleksandr Dubogryzov came from the village of Vaimes in the Priluzsky area in Komi. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Reservist Sergeant Aleksandr Molev signed up as a volunteer. He came from Ukhta, Komi Republic. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Sergei Nikitin came from Syktyvkar. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Vitaly Chuprov was born in the village of Vertel in Izhemsky area, Komi Republic. He served in the infantry. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Rustam Niyazov was the son of the military commissioner of the Udorsky area in Komi Republic. He graduated from the military artillery academy in St.Petersburg. Served on contract in the town of Znamensk, Astrakhan region, as head of firing unit in an armored vehicle. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Aleksei Kryukov came from the village of Krivoe in Komi Republic. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Aleksandr Tutrinov came from the village of Kuratovo in the Sysolsky area in Komi. He served on a contract as gunner in a tank unit. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Corporal Daniil Bazatin came from Syktyvkar. He served on contract as mechanic and driver in a tank unit. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Captain Vladimir Nosov came from the Ust-Tsilemsky area in Komi. He was given the award Hero of Russia. He served in the Baltic Fleet naval infantry amphibious assault battalion. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Sergei Arteev came from the town of Ukhta in Komi Republic. He served as volunteer. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Aleksandr Arteev came from the Izhemsky area, Komi Republic
- Sergeant Aleksandr Maskiev came from the village of Ust-Kulomsky area in Komi. He was commander of an armored vehicle. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Maksim Dyemin came from the village of Kyrnysha in the Ust-Kulomsky area, Komi Republic.Underwent military service in Leningrad Oblast in a mortar battery of a motorized rifle battalion. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Anatoly Timushev came from the village of Nosim, Ust-Kulomsky area in Komi Republic. He signed up as volunteer. Photo: Governor Uiba on Telegram
- Timofei Aleksandrov from Murmansk region. Photo: VK page of Vympel Apatity
- Georgii Ababy from Murmansk served in the 61s Naval Infantry Brigade in Sputnik, Kola Peninsula. Photo: Zhensky Sovet Sputnik
- Captain Vitaly Voitsekhovsky from Murmansk was a air force pilot. He died on the 19th of March 2022. Photo:
- Major Dmitry Karpilenko came from Murmansk. He died on the 25th of March. Photo:
- Captain Dmitry Chernakov came from Arkhangelsk Oblast. He commanded a unit of radiation, chemical and biological forces. Was killed in March. Photo:
- Nikolai Petekhin from Arkhangelsk region was part of the 336 separate brigade of naval infantry, Baltic Fleet. Killed on 7th of March 2022
- Vadim Orlov from Arkhangelsk region was part of a motorised rifle unit. He died on 2nd of May 2022. Photo:
- Artyem Bryushinin from Arkhangelsk region was killed on the 10th of May 2022. Photo
- Sergei Dudar from Arkhangelsk was killed on the 24th of April 2022. Photo:
- Aleksandr Krivonogikh from Arkhangelsk died on the 28th of May 2022. Photo:
- Aleksei Filippov from Vekhnaya Toyma, Arkhangelsk region, was a mercenary. He was killed in Bakhmut on the 4th of September. Photo:
- Artyem Bebyakov came from Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region. He was 21 years old and belonged to the 104th amphibious guard assault brigade. Photo:
- Grigory Yagodinov came from Novolavena, Arkhagelsk Oblast. He was 35 years old and belonged to the 78th amphibious assault division. He was killed on the 11th of September 2022. Photo:
- Viktor Moskin from Kotlas, Arkhangelsk Oblast, was 36 years old and was killed on the 7th of September 2022. Photo:
- Yegor Gorshkov from Kotlas, Arkhangelsk Oblast, was 50 years. He belonged to the 1st Army Corpus. Photo:
- Andrei Semushin from Arkhangelsk region was 34 years old and was killed on the 28th of August 2022. Photo:
- Aleksandr Savrasov from Konosha, Arkhangelsk Oblast, was 28 years old and was killed on the 17th of October 2022. Photo:
- Nikolai Trukhan from Arkhangelsk region was 35 years old and was killed on the 1st of November 2022. Photo:
- Vadim Novikov from Ilinsko-Podomskoye, Arkhangelsk Oblast, was driver in a mortar unit under the 27th separate guard motorised infantry brigade. He was 20 years old. Photo:
- Sergeant Aleksei Kanev came from Izhma, Arkhangelsk Oblast. He was killed on the 4th of April 2022. Photo:
- Arkadii Lukyanov came from Sedkyrkeshch, Komi Republic. He was 23 years old. Killed on the 2nd of June 2022. Photo:
- Junior Sergeant Vladimir Novikov came from Vorkuta, Komi Republic. He was killed on the 6th of April 2022. Photo:
- Aleksandr Shraider came from Komi Republic. He served in the 76th amphibious assault division. He was killed on the 25th of February 2022. Photo:
- Vitaly Voytsekhovsky from Monchegorsk, Kola Peninsula, was commander of a Ka-52 attack helicopter. He reportedly lost his life in a Tochka-U strike against the Millerovo air force base where he was deployed. The attack happened on the 25th of February. He was seriously injured and after a period of hospitalization died. Photo: Murmansky Operativny Shtab
- Yegor Shatilov from Murmansk. Photo: Governor Andrei Shibis on VK
- Aleksandr Sokolov previously worked in OMON, the police special forces, and reportedly had fighting experience from Chechnya. Photo: Andrei Chibis on VK
- Sergei Moryakov served in the 80th Motorized Rifle Brigade in Alakurtti, Kola Peninsula. He was killed on the 15th of October and was subsequently awarded with medal of bravery on decree from the Kremlin
- Soldier Denis Ovchinnikov lived in the village of Kozhva ahead of his deployment in Ukraine. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Daniil Yevsyugin came from the Komi Village of Ust-Tsilma. He served as senior lieutenant and head of a missile complex unit. He reportedly eliminated 78 flying enemy objects before he was killed on the battlefield. Photo: Governor Uiba on Telegram
- Sergei Mezentsev came from the Komi village of Yeremeevo. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba
- Vasilii Tyurnin came from the village of Derevyansk in Komi. He served as reservists soldier. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Andrei Mitrofanov came from the Ustyansky area in Arkhangelsk Oblast. He signed up as volunteer. Photo:
- Semyon Vlasov from Novodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, was killed in battle on the 21st of January 2023. He had signed up as volunteer and was twice injured. He served in a unit where six of twenty soldiers were killed in a grenade attack and the remaining men injured. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Vitalii Bodnyaryuk was born in 1975 in Arkhangelsk. He fought in Donetsk in 2014 as part of the so-called 1st Slavic brigade. Signed up with the Russian Armed Forces on 28th of May 2022 and headed an armed vehicle. He was killed on 14th of November 2022 as his unit attacked the settlement of Marinka. His armoured vehicle was hit by a Ukrainian tank. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Sergeant Vasilii Sheryagin was born in the village of Ulyukha, Arkhangelsk region. He served in the North Caucasian region from 2007 as sniper and had status as war veteran. Again signed contract in 2014. On the 31st of December, the 34 year old paratrooper was killed on the battlefield. He has been post-mortem awarded a medal of bravery. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Igor Ponomarev was born on the 22nd of March 1971 in Arkhangelsk. He worked most of his life in a local fire brigade. In July 2022 he signed up as a voluntary in the war. He worked as driver for a motorised rifle brigade. He was seriously injured and lost his life. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Aleksei Parfenov from Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, was killed on the 16th of January 2023. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Aleksei Dmitrievsky was born in the village of Shangaly, Arkhangelsk region. He was killed in January 2023 in Bakhmut. Photo: Poisk29 at VK
- Vyacheslav Maksimeyko, from Arkhangelsk region, was killed on 19th of December 2022 and has been post-mortem awarded a medal of bravery. Photo: Podslushano Severoonezhsk at VK
- Eduard Sych was born on the 25th of March 1982 in the village of Siya, Arkhangelsk region. He was killed in battle on the 7th of December 2022. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Aleksei Chertopolokhov came from the Arkhangelsk region. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Vasily Sheryagin was born in the village of Ulyukha, Arkhangelsk region in 1988. He served in counter-terrorism operations in Chechnya in 2008 and again signed contract with the Army in 2014. He was fighting in Ukraine since August 2022. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Dmitry Alsufev was born 10th of June 1987 in the village of Lyakhovskaya, Arkhangelsk region. He was fighting in Ukraine since 22 December 2022 and was killed on 15th of January 2023. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Leonid Rashev was born in 1994 in Kholmogorsk, Arkhangelsk region. He was killed near Artemovsk on 4th of December 2022. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- 28-year old Kirill Shvadovich came from the Arkhangelsk region was drafted on 8th of October and underwent training in Pechenga, Murmansk region. He served on contract for the Naval Infantry Brigade in Sputnik. He went to Ukraine on 17th of November. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Daniil Popov was only 19 years old when he was killed on the battlefield in Ukraine. He came from the village of Udimsky, Arkhangelsk region. Kotlas at VK
- Pavel Murashev was killed on the 31st of December 2022. He came from the town of Plesetsk, Arkhangelsk region. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Lieutenant Kirill Kvashnin came from Mirny, Arkhangelsk region. From young age he enrolled in the Tverskoye Suvorov Military School. He died during his third deployment in the war. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Dmitry Perkhurov came from the village of Severnaya Maimaksa. He was buried in his home village on 23rd of January 2023. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Dmitry Ozhigin came from the Ustyansky area in Arkhangelsk region. The 41-year old soldier was killed near the village of Tokarevka, Kharkiv region, on the 14th of December 2022. He had fighting experience from Chechnya. He worked in a shipyard in St.Petersburg before he was deployed in Ukraine. Photo: Poisk_29 on VK
- Aleksandr Vozmishchev came from the village of Khorkovo, Arkhangelsk region. He fought for the Wagner Group from November 2022. He came to Ukraine on the 2nd of November and was killed on the 6th of December. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- 38 years old soldier Aleksandr Androsov from Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, died in Makeevka on 1st of January 2023. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Leonid Ivanov came from the village of Udimsk. He was 24 years old. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Sergei Rogozin came from the Sokolsky area in Arkhangelsk region. He was born on 26th December 1975. For several years he served in Severomorsk-3 in Kola Peninsula. In June 2022 he was deployed in Ukraine. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Denis Kalinin came from the village of Pinega, Arkhangelsk region. He was killed in Ukraine in December 2022. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Yevgeny Kalinin came from the village og Nyandoma, Arkhangelsk region. He was killed in December 2022. He served for the Wagner Group and was killed in battle near Bakhmut. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Vladimir Chistyakov came from the village og Nyandoma, Arkhangelsk region. He was killed in December 2022. He served for the Wagner Group and was killed in battle near Bakhmut. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Yevgeny Sukhorukov came from the Primorsky area in Arkhangelsk region. He was killed on November 24th. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Aleksei Chertoplokhov came from the village of Dvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. He was buried in his home village on January 10th 2023. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Sergei Gruzdev came from the village of Cheryemushky, Arkhangelsk region. He was killed on the 2nd of December 2022. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Sergei Nekrasov from Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, died on the battlefield on 24th of November 2022. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Yevgeny Sukhanov came from Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. He was killed on 4th of December 2022. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Yuri Ugrin came from the village of Pustosh, Arkhangelsk region. He died on the battlefield near Bakhmut on 16th of November. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Dmitry Menshikov came from Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. He served for the Wagner Group and was killed on 17th October 2022. Photo: Afghanistan Veteran Union of Arkhangelsk on VK
- Yevgeny Vilisov came from the Vorkuta, Komi Republic. He had fighting experience from Chechnya. Was part of infantry unit and was killed in November 2022. Photo: Governor Vladimir Uiba on Telegram
- Aleksandr Shevchuk came from the village of Pechora, Komi Republic. Pechora Today - VK
- Ivan Nikitin was from Murmansk. Photo: Governor Andrei Chibis on VK
- Viktor Lavrinenko was from Murmansk. Photo: Governor Andrei Chibis on VK
- Sergei Miroshnichenko was from Murmansk. Photo: Governor Andrei Chibis on VK