Arkhangelsk university boosts commitment for warriors returning from Ukraine battlefields
On January 30, the Arkhangelsk NARFU University and the “Defenders of the Fatherland” foundation, created by Putin, signed a “cooperation agreement.”
Now, military personnel who have fought in Ukraine and then turned to the “Defenders of the Fatherland” will be able to study at NARFU for free. It is worth noting that since September 2022, a law allowing fighters who have fought in Ukraine to study for free in Russian universities, as well as the children of soldiers, has made this possible.
According to Russian law, military personnel and children of military personnel from Ukraine should be educated at the expense of budget funds. However, if there are no budget places in the university, the university must take on the expenses for these individuals.

“Since 2022, we have been accepting participants of the “SMО”(war) and their family members for study. Moreover, “SMО” participants enter through internal examinations. And the children of “SMО” participants either without entrance examinations at all if the parent has died. Or also through internal entrance examinations if the parent is wounded,” said NARFU Rector Elena Kudryashova to the propaganda publication broadcaster Pomorie”
Kudryashova also emphasized that at the moment, more than fifty military personnel and children of military personnel who fought in Ukraine are studying at NARFU.
NARFU is not the first time showing its loyalty to the current Russian regime. Thus, during Putin’s self-nomination for the presidential elections, the NARFU University actively participated in the pre-election campaign. Propaganda for voting for Putin appeared in the university’s official public pages.
NARFU in Arkhangelsk is also known for political expulsions of students who disagree with the current Russian regime. The Barents Observer produced material that also told about the expulsion of students Ilya Leshukov and Daria Poryadina from NARFU.
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